Our Expertise

Integrated knowledge delivers integrated solutions.

Out of many, one.

OEMA routinely employs a mixed methods approach to identifying and meeting the Army’s people challenges. Our organizational research solutions are anchored not just in economics, but in history, education, management, leadership, human resources, organizational behavior, and other disciplines. Regardless of their specialty areas, our experts share a common commitment to sound empirical research methods.

Applied Economics

We translate core economic principles into cutting edge people practices.

OEMA‘s action research efforts focus on strategically aligned Army people challenges and opportunities. Our economists are expert in using economic principles and econometrics to define problems; formulate and investigate hypotheses; gain new insights; and design, test, and implement real solutions to the Army’s people challenges.


We help make the Army an employer of choice.

We’ve helped to create a new Marketing and Economics Army career field that layers management, business, advertising, and HR expertise upon a labor economics foundation. OEMA helps the Army to curate its employment brand, and to present an employee value proposition that attracts the talent it needs for today and tomorrow.

Organizational Change

Change is necessary. It doesn’t have to be hard.

OEMA applies sound organization design and organization development principles to our people solutions. Both disciplines focus systemwide, address changes in operating environment, and strive to increase total organizational effectiveness. Our expertise in these management concepts helps ensure that our innovations take hold and deliver genuine value to the Army.

People Analytics

We take the guesswork out of HR policy decisions by integrating existing data with new data gained through disciplined inquiry.

People analytics is the use of people and organizational data, data analysis, and sound research science techniques to better understand, improve, and optimize the people side of the Army. OEMA’s people analytics efforts routinely deliver actionable conclusions that substantively improve organizational performance.

Talent Management

We didn’t invent talent management – but we introduced it to the Army.

Since 2009, OEMA has been the Army’s thought leader in talent management. Our researchers created a talent taxonomy tailored to the specific demands of a military workforce, one that has since found expression through a variety of innovative programs and policies, culminating in the 2020 Army People Strategy.